: This product comes with a warranty that starts from the date of purchase. Please check the label on your mattress for the warranty details. If you have any complaints, please get in touch with our customer care team.
: Warranty is applicable only if the mattress is purchase from RUBY MATTRESS, RUBY MATTRESS Website.
: Relavent invoices must be preserved & product along with the mattress in case of complaint.
: Any alterations done by customers on the mattress are not covered in the warranty.
: Stains occuring on the mattress tapestry, after unpacking or removing the poly bag & subsequent use at the customer’s end are not covered under the warranty.
: Opening of stiches (both quilt & tape edge) reported after 15 days of the purchase date are not covered under warranty.
: Damage to handles post usage is not covered under warranty.
: Bending of the mattress constitutes anappropriate usage. Any damage arising from such usage is not covered under the warranty.
: The proff of purchase date & a place of purchase should be valid.
: If the product is found to be altered, abused or damaged due to negligence, then it will not be covered under warranty.
: While company does it’s best to replace the defective mattress at the earliest, the average time required for replacement is 5 to 7 days.
: If the variety of the mattress you’ve has been discontinued, you will be provided with a new mattress same value as the original one.
: If one of your pairs of mattress has sagged mattress shall be replaced.
: The company decision’s regarding the nature of defects and the applicability of this warranty will be final.
: The Warranty is limited to sagging of the mattress & doesn’t cover fabric damages such as tears, stains, colour fading, bleeding, soiling or burns.
: The warranty doesn’t cover mattress damage dur to infestation by insects, rodents, rats or any natural calamities.
: The warranty doesn’t cover any damages or sagging of the mattress due to improper size and condition of the cot, uneven resting surface, or improper structural design of the cot.
: The warranty is not applicable for any smell that may occur during usage in an enclosed enviroment. moisture in the air dur to the surrounding enviroment / use of air conditioner, excessively wet surface or pouring od any liquid on the matterss.
: The warranty doesn’t cover preference in comfort level.
: The Warranty doesn’t cover the depression of less then 4cm for the mattress of 20cm & above. A depression of less than 3cm isn’t covered for mattress below 20cm.
: The warranty doesn’t include damage resulting from improper usage. Please follow the tips given under DO’s & DON’Ts.
: Mattress can’t be claimed as defective based on expected comfort level.
: The warranty doesn’t cover any damages caused by relocation od mattress(es) by customers.